Chop Onions Instead of Layers in Software Architecture

Chop Onions Instead of Layers in Software Architecture

In particular, applications are much more complex and have many more moving parts. You need a high-level of automation, such as a PaaS, to use microservices effectively. You also need to deal with some complex distributed data management issues when developing microservices. Despite the drawbacks, a microservice architecture makes sense for large, complex applications that are evolving rapidly, especially for SaaS-style applications. The decomposed application consists of various frontend services that implement different parts of the user interface and multiple backend services.

The application’s reliance on external systems or libraries is managed by this layer. The fundamental domain models and business logic are found in the domain layer. It serves as the application’s brain and represents the concepts, entities, and business rules.

The Key Differences Between Onion Architecture and Clean Architecture

Get to know the onion architecture and its merits with simple and practical examples. Combined with code structuring by feature your software is easy to understand, changeable and extendable. For a very long time the standard answer to the question how components and classes should be organized in the software architecture was layers. Before we explore the promised benefits of layers and how they represent themselves in software architecture, we need to get rid of a common misconception regarding layers vs. tiers. This makes your application extremely dynamic because you can easily do things like change your platform, change to micro services, and then maybe change back to a monolith. Yes that’s not a likely scenareo by any means, but for huge applications, this can be extremely convenient.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Onion Architecture

This layering can help in the separation of concerns, subdividing the solution into smaller units so that each unit is responsible for a specific task and also takes advantage of abstraction. For mid to larger scaled projects where multiple teams work, layering has very obvious advantages up its sleeves. It lets a specific team or individual work on a particular layer without disturbing the integrity of the others. It makes it much easier to track changes using source control. In this article, We will talk about Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core and its advantages. We will also together build a WebApi that follows a variant of Onion Architecture so that we get to see why it is important to implement such an architecture in your upcoming projects.


Under this folder, add a new one and name it ProductFeatures. We will implement the Mediator pattern later in this tutorial. Now add a Product Class that inherits the Id from the BaseEntity. Create a new class Entities/Product.cs in the Domain Project. Tip #2 – While running the application, you would see that it navigated to ../weatherforecast by default.

The outer layer is reserved for things that potentially changes often, these things are intentionally isolated from the application core. The unique part of onion architecture pros and cons is – it has zero dependencies over data layers like classic multi-tier architectures. The traditional and most commonly used web application architecture isModel-View-Controller architecture which is one of the most widely adapted and appreciated architecture throughout the industry. If you have been using web forms to develop web application then adopting MVC architecture even fits better, because it provides the required framework to build web apps MVC way. But things doesn’t turn out as planned and leads to very tight coupling between UI and business logic and business logic to database logic.

comments on “Hexagonal Architecture – What Is It? Why Should You Use It?”

Then, you are implementing a use case which lets the user check her or his account balance. Persistence is the layer that contains mirror images of db tables and queries. Object mappers can be considered directly when the persistence layer is mentioned. Of course there may be different hybrid solutions according to your needs. Once you start with it, it doesn’t take long – according to the broken windows theory – until the next architecture rule is dropped.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Onion Architecture

This allows that consumer to swap things out for testing, or to change implementations without the provider having to know about it. Please help me understand the true advantages of a domain-centric architecture. And personally I would use them together for every application I need to be scalable, maintainable, highly covered by tests, evolvable and understandable. onion architecture In tons of StackOverflow answers, tech blogs or even GitHub code samples a lot of people try to stick to one of these architecture patterns without having in mind that these patterns can work together. We will do a simple test to ensure that our solution works. I will just create a new product and make a request to query all the existing products as well.

Domain Layer

Another significant advantage of onion architecture is its support for testing. With its clear separation of concerns, developers can easily test each layer of the application independently, ensuring that each component works as expected. This makes it easier to identify and fix issues in the codebase, reducing the risk of bugs and other errors that can impact the reliability and performance of the system. An effective design pattern for writers of clean, long-lasting code is onion architecture.

The term “Onion Architecture” was first coined by Jeffry Palermo back in 2008 in a series of blog posts. The architecture is intended to address the challenges faced with traditional architectures and the common problems like coupling and separation of concerns. The “Onion Architecture,” a well-known software design, has a number of benefits for both businesses and developers. Some of the main advantages of onion architecture are listed below. The application’s user interface is made up of views and controllers, and the presentation layer is responsible for managing it. To get and set data and to control user input and output, it communicates with the application layer.

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Those 3 layers form the application core – no relevant application logic should reside outside of it and it should be independent of all peripheral concerns like UI or databases. As a close cousin of Hexagonal, Onion Architecture is certainly very powerful, but the extent to which we’ll apply its principles should be carefully considered. Most of the traditional architectures raise fundamental issues of tight coupling and separation of concerns.

  • At least this approach could be achieved by using relaxed layering.
  • N-tier just refers to the physical structure of an implementation.
  • There are several traditional architectures that exists in web world and each one of the architecture comes with its pros and cons.
  • Open the package manager console and switch the default project to Repositorylayer and execute the below commands one after another.
  • The Onion Architecture allows developers to concentrate on the logic of each layer without thinking about the specifics of the levels underneath by breaking an application up into concentric layers.
  • One other problem with n-tier architecture is its nature to create tightly coupled layers and this may lead to deployment complexity.
  • By doing dependency injection in all the code, everything becomes easier to test.

In particular, the name of something declared in an outer circle must not be mentioned by the code in the an inner circle. That includes, functions, classes, variables, or any other named software entity. Many of us developers have been working with the layered model for so long that it has become second nature, and we consider it the most normal thing in the world to plan an application around a database. In the best case, you have a senior developer/architect in your team who already has experience with hexagonal architecture and can judge whether the initial additional effort is worthwhile for your project. Mapping is not only an issue with the database adapter but also with a REST adapter, for example. Some libraries, such as Hibernate, allow the technical instructions to be defined in an XML file instead of using annotations in the model class.

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Learn what’s next in software from world-class leaders pushing the boundaries. DEV Community — A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Barry McAuley. Once unpublished, all posts by barrymcauley will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. Each type of architecture has its advantages and disadvantages – that’s the whole point of why different versions are created.

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